La BSO de The Witcher 3 en vinilo


Spacelab9 y la tienda ThinkGeek anuncian la edición completa de la banda sonora de The Witcher 3 en un pack de cuatro vinilos que ofrece toda la música del juego de CD Projekt RED. Esta edición completa de la banda sonora de The Witcher 3, compuesta por Marcin Przybyłowicz,nos permite disfrutar de dos horas de música de Wild Hunt y sus respectivas expansiones (Hearts of Stone y Blood and Wine).
Listado de las canciones:
Disco 1
Cara A
01 The Trail (2:49)
02 Geralt of Rivia (2:22)
03 Eredin, King of the Hunt (2:27)
04 Wake Up, Ciri (1:34)
05 Aen Seidhe (2:36)
06 Commanding the Fury (2:08)
07 Emhyr var Emreis (2:29)
08 Spikeroog (3:05)
Cara B
09 Silver for Monsters (feat. Percival Schuttenbach) (2:19)
10 The Nightingale (feat. Percival Schuttenbach) (1:39)
11 City of Intrigues (2:06)
12 The Hunter’s Path (2:52)
13 Widow-maker (2:10)
14 The Vagabond (2:47)
15 …Steel for Humans (feat. Percival Schuttenbach) (1:27)
16 Fate Calls (1:58)
17 Drink Up, There’s More! (1:36)
Disco 2
Cara A
18 After the Storm (1:31)
19 Cloak and Dagger (feat. Percival Schuttenbach) (2:46)
20 Blood on the Cobblestones (2:02)
21 Farewell, Old Friend (2:52)
22 The Song of the Sword-Dancer (feat. Percival Schuttenbach) (2:12)
23 The Hunt is Coming (2:05)
24 The Fields of Ard Skellig (3:09)
25 Ladies of the Woods (1:51)
26 I Name Thee Dea (…) (1:20)
Cara B
27 In the Giant’s Shadow (2:49)
28 Merchants of Novigrad (3:09)
29 A Story You Won’t Believe (feat. Percival Schuttenbach) (1:37)
30 Go for it (1:08)
31 The Wolf and the Swallow (2:36)
32 Like a Wounded Animal (1:11)
33 Words on Wind (2:48)
34 On Thin Ice (1:37)
35 Hunt or Be Hunted (2:25)
Disco 3 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts of Stone Expansion Pack
Cara A
01 Hearts of Stone (2:53)
02 Go Back Whence You Came (1:45)
03 You’re… Immortal? (feat. Percival Schuttenbach) (2:54)
04 Evil’s Soft First Touches (2:48)
05 Dead Man’s Party (feat. Percival Schuttenbach) (0:49)
06 Mystery Man (2:41)
Cara B
07 Breaking In (1:40)
08 Whatsoever a Man Soweth… (2:21)
09 The House of the Borsodis (0:49)
10 The Temple of Lilvani (2:21)
11 A Gifted Man Brings Gifts Galore (4:04)
Disco 4 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and Wine Expansion Pack
Cara A
01 Blood and Wine (2:57)
02 Fanfares and Flowers (3:10)
03 For Honor! For Toussaint! (2:04)
04 Blood Run (2:01)
05 The Banks of Sansretour (3:58)
06 Wine Wars (2:04)
07 Vivienne (1:36)
08 Titans of Infamy (1:38)
Cara B
09 On the Champs-Désolés (2:02)
10 Beyond Hill and Dale… (3:04)
11 The Mandragora (1:53)
12 Tesham Mutna (2:02)
13 Wind in the Caroberta Woods (3:19)
14 The Beast of Beauclair (1:37)
15 Searching for Cecilia Bellant (2:29)
16 The Night of Long Fangs (1:44)
17 Lady of the Lake (1:10)
Estará disponible por 54,99 dólares en ThinkGeek a partir del 24 de noviembre.


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